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Want a new and innovative way to use your reformer? Want something that you can quickly and easily work into what you are already teaching? The 15 to Fit MethodTM Innovative Reformer I is the first step for you to learn how to perform and teach multiplanar movements on the reformer safely, effectively, and efficiently. You will learn a system that incorporates flowing, body-wave type movements and more torso flexion, extension, and rotation in varied planes of movement. You may recognize some of these movements from martial arts, Qi gong, dance and even swimming. They are surprisingly easy to teach even to beginners and clients that have trouble with coordinated movement. The 15 to Fit MethodTM is comprised of a few minutes to warm up and cool down, 15 minutes of Energy exercises, 15 minutes of Toning exercises and 15 minutes of Mobility for a complete 50-minute session. This system helps you to organize the material in a manageable way. The Energy Segment is 15 minutes of whole body movement exercises that increase the heart rate and improve cardiorespiratory fitness. The Toning Segment is 15 minutes of exercises to improve overall strength. The Mobility Segment is 15 minutes of dynamic, multiplanar movements that safely increase mobility of the entire body. The flowing nature of these movements also help to create a relaxing mood through the body and mind. The course materials include: One workout series for each segment plus some additional exercises. Break down videos for all of the exercises included in each workout segment and the extra exercises. Descriptive manuals with clear professional pictures for each exercise. See the package pricing for more information on the training elements included. This is the first step in learning the 15 to Fit Method™ work on the reformer. 


